Hybride Apps
Funtcional programming with Elixir
Elixir distinguishes itself, as a functional language, strongly from other programming languages like PHP or Ruby. Functional code is often clearer and has the advantage, that its usually stateless, wich is useful, if one aspires to scale an application and operate it on distributed systems in a cloud. Elixir is furthermore strongly parallelizable and is, compared to other web programming languages, quite fast and thanks to the virtual machine of Erlang (BEAM) very error tolerant and stable.
Like Rails for Ruby, there is also an according web framework for Elixir: Phoenix. Since the processing of a web request corresponds to a serialization of functions, the functional thought of Elixier for web applications offers itself. Furthermore are Phoenix applications effortless to scale and even APIs with thousands of inquiries per second are implementable without problems. Phoens offers in this kontext a solid framework, wich secures a high quality through the usage of proven standard components.